Hemerocallis 8, 2011
Artist: Emily Clare
About the Artwork: Daylilies are so interesting and the stamens had something I found intriguing. Sometimes overlooked within these beauties. A story within the petals waiting to be explored. It was time to give attention to this part of the flower that had so caught my attention. I had so many daylilies to choose from right outside my door.
To me this part of the flower said look at me and explore me. Each one had something to say and I became the interpreter. I knew I wanted to take color out of the equation so as not to distract from their storyline. I also happen to love working in the richness of black and white which made this an easy decision. The stamens cooperated with me and shared some secrets with you and me. The next time you are looking at a daylily remember there is a story.
Media: Lithographic Crayon and Turpenoid on rag paper
Dimensions: 24" wide by 18" tall
Framed: No