Artworks cast their magic spells!
Updated: Mar 21, 2024
“Full Circle,” a-three-woman show, will be on display at Elberson Fine Arts Center on the campus of Salem Academy & College through April 20, 2024. Closing Reception is Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 2-4pm. The Elberson is located at 412 Rams Drive; Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Gallery hours are 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. At the Closing Reception, you will be able to purchase art “off the wall.”
One of the three participating artists is Melrose Tapscott Buchanan—a Founding Artist with Artfolios. She has passion for observing and for sketching from life, dreams, and memories. Her finished artworks explore the complexity of perception. Melrose’s portion of the exhibit includes approximately 40 sketches, collages, and prints which span over 20 years of her career.
In her book Joyous Observations: The Power of the Sketchbook Melrose shares: “I began keeping sketchbooks. Those sketches gave me confidence. Drawing regularly was a revelation. The search for answers to the question of what to create emerged from sketching, journaling, and reading poetry... Each sketch became a symbol of growth and focus. I cherished capturing moments in time on pages, and as the book filled with my sketches I wanted to keep at it—sketch by sketch.”
Melrose continues, “A passion for observing and sketching from life, dreams, and memories drives my artwork. My art is about the complexity of perception – the act of seeing, believing, meditating, and then giving myself permission to play with the images I have chosen to draw. I try to be a careful observer of the world around me. I draw what most interests me on a given day. I fill sketchbooks with studies of nature, faces, nudes, collections of objects, images of dreams, and memories. In the studio I gradually contemplate what I want to say visually with these chosen images.”
Don’t miss the chance to see Melrose Tapscott Buchanan’s work showcased in “Full Circle” at Salem Academy & College. In her own words: “Images of seagulls, egrets, and ibises fly through my works. Sunsets, sunrises, and the moon cast their magic spells in my art.”

Melrose Tapscott Buchanan, Founding Artist of Artfolios, is an artist and an educator. She has taught drawing and painting classes and workshops at Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Sawtooth School of Visual Art, and Salem Academy and College. For many years Melrose taught two-day and week-long watercolor workshops in the mountains and at the beaches of North Carolina and Virginia (Chincoteague Island was a favorite spot).